Volume 9, No. 1
- Richard Salter...Artist
- The Difference: story by Fran Nicholson
- Remaking by Lynn Erny
- Model Horse Congress
- Remember When? No. 36 Bay Race Horse
- Restructuring a Halla
- Model Horses in Britain
Volume 9, No. 2
- "Sunrise Invitation" Spanish Horses
- The Horses Were the Heroes: The Inside Story of the Famous Grand
Canyon Burro Rescue
- Making - photos and story by Marney Walerius (How Breyer models
are made)
- Remember When? No. 241 Indian on Black Pinto Prancer, No. 242
Indian on Brown Pinto Prancer
- Specialty Run - 1982
- Remaking, Part Two
- Breeding Breyer Horses? How?
Volume 9, No. 3
- She Shoes Horses - Kelly Richter
- The "Adopt-A-Horse" Program
- Model Trail Horse
- Remember When? Woodgrain Models
- Specialty Run - 1982
- Preparing for Indian Costume Classes
Volume 9, No. 4
- Endurance Riding...The Basics
- Candy Hearts - story by Lynne Kaufman
- Collectors Are You Ready For...The Little Bits
- Newsmakers: Kathleen Maestas, Tracy Blaue, Chris Cook
- Remember When? Lucky Ranger
- Breyer 1983 (New models)
- The Tack Room: Western Saddles
- The Heart of Remaking