Volume 31, No. 1: Jan/Feb
- Del
Fuego - Connoisseur Series
- The Abaco Barbs: From Fact to Fiction
- Poetry in Motion: The Andalusian Horse
- In Her Own Words by Artist Kathleen Moody
- The Who, What, Where, When, Why of the
North American Model Horse Shows Association
- Extreme Makeovers Part One
- The Young Collector - Pull-out for kids
- To Box or Not to Box: That is the
- Artist Profile: For the Love of Model
Horses, A Saddle Maker Scales Down: Jolene Eckert
- How To: The Construction Zone. Part I -
Ground Poles
- Know Your Breed: The Rottweiler A Dog for
all Reasons
- Vintage Point: The Breyer
Old Timer
- Jammin' at Jamboree
- Around the World with Breyer
Volume 31, No. 2: Mar/April
- Hidalgo: Unbridled, Unbroken,
- BreyerFest 2004 Preview
- Winner of the Breyer/USPC Essay
Contest Announced! New Morgan mold in the works! (Flash)
- Extreme Makeovers Part Two
Decoupage &
Impressionistic Page -
Connoisseur Series
- The Young Collector - Pull-out for
- Artists Profile: CollectiBulls: Meet
the Artists Who Captured PBR's Rankest Bulls
- How To: Construction Zone Part II -
Gymkhana Poles
- Itching to Etch?
- Vintage Point:
Proud Arabian Foal
- Know Your Breed: The Beagle
Volume 31, No. 3: May/June
- Cutting's Crown Prince: Smart Little
- A Blaze of Glory: Vintage Fire Wagons
- Portrait in Mixed Media
- BreyerFest 2004 Preview
Inconspicuous -
Connoisseur Series
- The Young Collector - Pull-out for
- Artist's Profile: Karen Williams,
Breyer's Connoisseur of Color
- Tricked Out Pony Contest - WCMHC
- Collector's Corner: Casey Valdez
- The Classic Art of Showing Your
Peruvian Paso Model
- How To: Construction Zone Part III -
- A Hobby Perspective: Horses in
History: Combining Two Interests
- Vintage Point: The Breyer Classics
Andalusian Mare and
- On the Trail with Breyer: Equine
Volume 31, No. 4: July/August
- Rowdy Yates: A Study in Versatility and
- BreyerFest 2004 Update
- A Talented Heart of Gold: A Tribute
to Maureen Love
- Getting Your Critters Online:
Creating Your Own Website
- A History Making Mare: Savanna Dial
- Collector's Corner: Wendy Ree &
Darlene Kohn
- Golden Dreams
- Know Your Breed: Irish Setters
- Judge's Clinic: Cowboy Mounted
- How To: Going Once...Going
- Book Review: Frosty: The
Adventures of a Morgan Horse
- Vintage Pointe: The
Andalusian Foal: A
Dash of Spain
Volume 31, No. 5: Sept/Oct
- Pat Parelli's Friendly Ex-Spook
- BreyerFest 2004 "Reins in Spain"
- The Magic of Your First BreyerFest
- BreyerFest Live Results
- Collector's Corner: Sarah Crites
- Stablemates Mini-Fanfare Special
- The Young Collector - Pull-out for
- Ride the Wave: The American Curly
- How To: My Breyer Broke...Now What?
- Shedding Some Light on Breyer Lamps
- Vintage Point:
The Western Pony
- 13th Annual West Coast Model Horse
Collector's Jamboree
- On the Trail with Breyer: Chris
Kappler Autograph Signing
Volume 31, No. 6: Nov/Dec
- A Little Guy That Could: Smarty Jones
- Kathleen Moody, Born to Sculpt
- It's a Snap! MEPSA: Model Equine
Photo Showers Association
- 2004 Retired List
- Welcome Home: The 2004 Olympics
Tortuga: Connoisseur
- The Young Collector - Pull-out for
- How To: How to Prep a Resin
- Judge's Clinic: Ethics 101: A Judge's
- Vintage Pointe: The Stablemates
American Saddlebred: A
New Horse for a New Generation
- On the Trail with Breyer: First
Breyer Benefit Model Introduced!