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Standing Foal


The Standing Foal (G3) was introduced in 2006. It was sculpted by Jane Lunger and is Breyer mold #5631.

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Photo Photo Photo Model Number Name Color Release Dates Released Through/Notes
4198 Horse Crazy Colorful Breeds Paint Kit
With Andalusian, Friesian, Rearing Andalusian, Standing Foal, Tennessee Walking Horse, 6 paint pots with realistic horse colors, 1 paintbrush, 1 colorful instruction booklet, 1 sheet of 8 pop-out accessories
unpainted,  white base coat 2015-present
5343 Friendship Foals Pocket Barn
With Lying Foal
black, four socks 2019-2020
5370 Horse Crazy Pocket Barn
With a colorful barn, fencing, a palomino foal, and figure. Barn has hinged loft doors and sliding front doors.
palomino shaded muzzle, knees and hocks, white made/tail 2013-~2017
5394 Grey Horse & Chestnut Foal
With American Saddlebred
chestnut, darker mane/tail, four stockings 2016-2019
(c) Janice Cox (c) Breyer Animal Creations 5405 Stablemates Horspital
With Standing Stock Horse Stallion, hose, bucket, medical box, ointment tube, spray bottle, grooming tote, shampoo bottles, two horse blankets and 4-pc fencing.
red bay 2008-2009
(c) Janice Cox (c) Breyer Animal Creations 5406 Stablemates Kittens and Foals Play Set
With Standing Foal, Trotting Foal, Lying Foal, straw bed, 4-piece fencing, hay manger, Lying Cat, Sitting Cat, Standing Cat.
dark brown blanket 2008-2009
Mystery Foal Surprise - Family 12
With Andalusian Stallion, Running Mare, Standing Foal
apricot dun 2018-present Breyer's box says 5442, Breyer's website says 5889
5549 Mystery Unicorn Foal Surprise - Lilac Meadow
With Standing Foal, Warmblood Mare. Fireheart
metallic dark pink w/ gold horn and hooves 2023 Tractor Supply Company
(c) Cheryl Schmidt (c) Reeves International, Inc. 5603 Sport Horse - Pinto
With Standing Thoroughbred
dark bay pinto 2008
(c) Reeves International, Inc. 5932 Frolicking Foals Pocket Barn
With Trotting Foal
palomino pinto 2012 This model may exist, but it appears to have been  replaced by the Scrambling Foal before release
(c) Marina A (c) Marina A 5941 Mystery Foal Surprise - Family 2
With Standing Stock Horse, Peruvian Paso
buckskin pinto 2012-2013
(c) Janice Cox (c) Janice Cox 5972 Stablemates Fun Foal 5-piece Gift Pack
With Cantering Foal, Scrambling Foal, Scratching Foal, Trotting Foal
palomino pinto 2007-2008
(c) Kellie DeFosset (c) Janice Cox 5977 Stablemates 5 Pc Fun Foals Gift Collection
With Cantering Foal, Scrambling Foal, Scratching Foal, Trotting Foal
palomino 2009-current
6052/6063 Mystery Unicorn Foal Surprise B
Warmblood, Morgan
dark peachy pink, four stockings 2020-current Breyer's website lists this as #6063, box reads 6052.
(c) Janice Cox 6127 Stablemates Fun Foals Gift Pack
With Cantering Foal, Scrambling Foal, Scratching Foal, Standing Foal, Trotting Foal
bay blanket 2008 K-Mart
6232 Horse Foal Surprise - Sunset Ridge Family
With Standing Foal, Stock Horse Mare, Morgan
bay roan 2023 Tractor Supply Company
6937 Sparkling Splendor Unicorn Set
With Connemara Mare, Frisky Foal, FireheartMagnolia, Prince Charming, Walking Thoroughbred, Warmblood Mare
metallic dark pink w/ gold horn and hooves 2023
10073 Mystery Unicorn Foal Surprise - Enchanted Forest
With Kit, Prince Charming, Standing Foal
metallic pastel green and pink interference w/ gold horn and hooves 2024 Tractor Supply Company
90178 Mini Hermoso and Corazon
With Andalusian, Spanish Walk
black pinto 2015 Premier Collection Giveaway
(~750 made)
301173 Mystery Unicorn Foal Surprise - Seascape
With Alborozo, Prince Charming
purple and blue shaded with silver horn and hooves 2022 Tractor Supply Company
(c) Kristen 410176 Parade of Breeds III
With Rearing Andalusian, Walking Arabian, Cantering Warmblood, Friesian, Highland Pony, Lying Foal, Peruvian Paso, Standing Foal, Standing Thoroughbred, Warmblood Jumper
chestnut pinto 2006 JCPenney Holiday Catalog
(c) Janice Cox 410421 Parade of Breeds IV
With Rearing Andalusian, Belgian, Cantering Warmblood, Friesian, Lying Foal, Mustang, Peruvian Paso, Standing Foal, Standing Stock Horse, Tennessee Walking Horse
chestnut 2007 JCPenney Holiday Catalog Parade of Breeds

(c) Janice Cox

410436 Parade of Breeds V
With Rearing Andalusian, Walking Arabian, Appaloosa, Belgian, Friesian, Standardbred, Standing Foal, Trotting Foal, Warmblood, Warmblood Jumper
dark grey 2008 JCPenney Holiday Catalog Parade of Breeds
(c) Kellie De Fossett 410443 Stablemates Parade of Breeds VII
With Cantering Warmblood, Clydesdale, Dressage, Endurance, Para Dressage, Rearing Andalusian, Scratching Foal, Shetland Pony, Standing Foal, Tennessee Walking Horse,
chestnut 2010 JCPenney Holiday Catalog Parade of Breeds
410528 Parade of Breeds
Para Dressage, Dressage, Shetland Pony, Vaulting, Arabian - Rearing, Scratching Foal, Standing Foal, Driving, Reining, Endurance
dark bay, black points, off fore and hind socks 2011 JCPenney Holiday Catalog Parade of Breeds
712284 Mini Misty and Stormy
With Quarter Horse Mare
chestnut pinto 2019 Vintage Club Giveaway
(500 sets made)
(c) Janice Cox (c) Janice Cox 720234 Pony Gals New Arrival Play Set
With American Saddlebred
set shown 2009 Target
Hadley and Holden
With Stock Horse Mare
glossy dun/buckskin 2024 Stablemates Collectors Club
880081 Mystery Unicorn Foal Surprise - Enchanted
With Prince CharmingWalking Thoroughbred
dark pink w/ gold horn and hooves 2021
994138 Colorful Breeds Paint Activity Set
With Friesian, Peruvian Paso, Standardbred, Standing Foal, Walking Arabian
unpainted ~2011-2013
(c) Janice Cox (c) Janice Cox 9962502 Deluxe Farm Pocket Barn
With Standing Stock Horse, Mule, barn, doll, vet kit, pig, rooster, chicken, rabbit.
black blanket 2007 Mid-States Distributing

This website, including all photographs and original text, is Copyright © 2001-2020 Janice Cox. It is not sponsored by Breyer Horses, which is a division of Reeves International, Inc.

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